
breakthrough (noun) -> Definition: progress -> Synonyms : advance, development, discovery, find, finding, gain, improvement, invention, leap, progress, quantum leap, rise, step forward. -> Synopsis : Life is one BIG learning experience. "Breakthroughs" is a personal log of my journey through the final frontiers of outer space and my inner self. <-

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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Why ? you asked ....

"Breakthroughs" is not just about making progress, it is about making quantum leaps, learning something new everyday, applying it, gaining insights, acquiring wisdom and sharing it with your fellow man. Yes, sharing it. Why ? Becuase it makes it all so meaningful.

There are 3 areas of my journey of learning which I intend to blog :

1. Family and parenthood

2. Career and work life

3. Hobby and passion for Astronomy!

Now you know why the term "outer space" is in this blog's header. For your information, please do not confuse "Astronomy" with "Astrology". The definition according to :

as·tron·o·my :
1. The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
2. A system of knowledge or beliefs about celestial phenomena: the various astronomies of ancient civilizations.

as·trol·o·gy :
The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.

Therefore, please do not ask me to predict how your love life is going turn out, because I am not an astrologer. I do know some astrologers and will gladly introduce you to them.


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