
breakthrough (noun) -> Definition: progress -> Synonyms : advance, development, discovery, find, finding, gain, improvement, invention, leap, progress, quantum leap, rise, step forward. -> Synopsis : Life is one BIG learning experience. "Breakthroughs" is a personal log of my journey through the final frontiers of outer space and my inner self. <-

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Sunday, June 26, 2005

To swear or not to swear on your blog …

… that is the question to ask.

Bloging and bloggers are getting more publicity these days and the inevitable happens. Last week it was Singapore and this week, Malaysia.

Before you read any further – allow me to state my position. I am new to blogging but I am not new to the Internet. In fact, I have organized online communities before and that was during the dotcom boom years. I’ve seen the best and worst of people, online wise. What I am about to share here, is based on my personal experiences and opinions drawn from these observations.

Here goes :

Your blog is your space and you can say and do whatever you want with it. I agree.

Your room is your place, you can say and do whatever you want in it. That, I agree.

But if your room can be visited by just about anyone on this planet, will you say and do whatever you want in it still ?

I probably won’t, but that’s my opinion.

If you are going to be totally yourself, without any inhibitions whatsoever in expressing yourself, then it MAY be better if you remain anonymous. Protect yourself and your sanity.

If you are going to be known – publishing your photos and your real life actual name and all, be prepared to take the good and the bad side of publicity with it.

Like it or not, you may become a public figure without even knowing it. Once that happens, you become public property a.k.a. the center of controversy. Everybody will have their own opinion on what you can or cannot, should or should not do. All concerns and opinions are “correct” in their own way and worse, there is no stopping them.

Worse still, you simply cannot please everybody!

I try hard *NOT* to swear at all, because I want to be respectable person and set a good example for my 4 year old.

But I already did that in my last posting, didn’t I? Yikes!

So, do I want my 4 year old to read my blog ?

Hmmmm ….


Blogger Reta said...

PPL say blogs are a reflective mirror of themselves, but i think not. I might swear on my blog but in reality I hardly use many words.

If you don't like what you're reading leave. No one's asking to be judged.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think the answer to that depends on the the blogger itself. a choice made by tht individual. i started off bloggin by choosing more "innocent" words but now i find it to be fake as i swear openly ALOT. so bein myself i now blog without holding back anything.

would i want my parents reading it? no!! but it is YOUR space. so i think u shud do wateva u want with it. swear or no swear!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Orion said...

yvylyn : I feel swearing is not really necessary. I do not swear at my workplace, my customers, my boss and colleagues.

cyber-red : Whether we like it or not society will judge us one way or another. Humans are prejudiced by nature.

shan : interesting case you have there. You're slowly coming out of your closet as you grow in your blogging. Guess some parents will probably freak out IF they read a blog with lots of swear words. I think most parent find such case difficult to accept, especially Asian parents - some how parents have a tendency to feel that such a case would be their failure in bringing up their child. So much so that some parents equate their entire self worth to what their children do OR fail to do. No straight answers to that one. Too bad that babies don't come with instruction manuals!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Michael Salone said...

Very interesting and good advice I think. I'm new to blogging and have been discovering a lot. Here in France we have a famouse case going on where a blogger is being brought to court for defamation of a suburb he lives in, Puteaux, near Paris.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i guess so Orion. like the issue with minishorts's(i think its her's) blog. i don't swear at home as my parents wont like it but i blog my life. so why be something that i aint? i'm also goin thru a phase where im kinda pisse d with things so i guess that also contributes to my vulgarity.

and yes... my dad once told me something like "what would ppl think of us (referrin to mum n dad) when they see u doin that?" i guess u have it said very well indeed!

bookmarked ur blog!! will keep on visiting!

7:34 PM  
Blogger Orion said...

Michael : Wow! all the way from France. I am honoured. Yes, it is best to keep your online and real identity separate. I've had some not so nice experience before. Funny thing about fame - once you get it, you seem to lose your freedom. If you value your freedom, don't get famous!

Shan : yes, the worst insult one can hurl at an Asian is to say something bad about one's parent(s) or worse, the entire clan or generation. My observation is that swearing seems to be a phase everyone goes thru and hopefully, get over. Peace!

10:15 PM  
Blogger thquah said...

Swearing is so uncool.Urghhs. I don't swear and I always remind my kids not to swear be it anywhere.

1:17 PM  

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